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What is Flatulence?

Flatulence is the release of gas from the digestive system through the anus, also known as farting, passing wind, or having gas. Gas builds up inside the digestive system and is a natural process.

When you break down food, your body produces gas. Similarly, you may swallow air as you eat or drink. The main components of gas are oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and occasionally methane.

The digestive tract is governed by the Samana Vayu subtype of the Vata dosha according to Ayurveda. An imbalance in Samana Vayu causes flatulence.

What are the causes for Flatulence?

Swallowing air

  • Gulping air unconsciously while talking
  • Rushing through meals or drinks
  • Gum/tobacco chewing
  • Smoking
  • Carbonated drinks

Foods that produce gas after digestion

  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Black lentil
  • Chickpea
  • Oat bran
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Brinjal
  • Refined flour
  • Food containing baking powder
  • Aerated drinks
  • Cold food like ice creams etc.
  • Processed/junk foods

Other health conditions like

  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Dumping syndrome
  • Bloating
  • IBS
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Autoimmune pancreatitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Diabetes

Lifestyle factors like

  • Sleeping immediately after a meal
  • Waking up late in the morning
  • Sleeping late at night
  • Drinking cold water before/after a meal
  • Eating while standing or walking
  • Skipping meals
  • Random meal timing

Why Ayurveda is a better option for Flatulence treatment?

Normally people take digestives, antacids, and even antibiotic treatment to control excessive flatulence.
however, none of these medicines treat the underlying problem. They are only temporary solutions for symptomatic relief.
Besides, after some time the body gets habituated to these medicines, and a lasting solution becomes even more difficult to achieve.

Why Ayurveda is a better option for Flatulence treatment?

Vihaar (lifestyle solutions)

Healthy lifestyle practices, exercise, and good eating and sleeping habits are necessary for those who suffer from flatulence. As part of an Ayurvedic treatment for flatulence, certain yogasanas such as bhujangasana, janushirshasana, marjarasana and naukasana are recommended.

Manas (Mental peace)

Stress and anxiety lead to unhealthy health habits like eating on a run or sleeping late at night, which in turn lead to flatulence. Meditation and mindfulness practice are recommended as part of Ayurvedic treatment for flatulence since they lower stress and help you to be more mindful about your food and lifestyle.

Shodhana (Body detox)

In Ayurveda, complete body detox is recommended to eliminate metabolic toxins called ama. By removing these toxins from the body, the digestive tract becomes healthy. Through an ayurvedic detox, you can naturally eliminate flatulence.

Removal of the causal factors (Nidan parivarjanam)

Diet and lifestyle factors are responsible for flatulence, so removing these factors will prevent their growth and recurrence.

Dietary solutions (Ahaar)

For flatulence, Ayurveda recommends eating Vata-balancing foods (ginger, garlic, black pepper, etc.) and avoiding gas-causing foods like cauliflower for lasting relief.

Why Ayurveda is a better option for Flatulence treatment?

Prakrati Parikshana(constitution analysis)

First, the Vaidya will conduct a physical examination and fill out an extensive questionnaire to assess your constitution.
The constitution check represents the first step towards a fully customized treatment.

Body Detox (Shodhana)

An important aspect of Ayurvedic flatulence treatment is panchakarma. Pain and discomfort caused by flatulence can be relieved with this elaborate body detox process.

Ayurvedic oiling (snehana)

Snehana or body oiling is one of the most effective treatments for Vata imbalance. The patient may be given medicated oil/ghee to drink or may receive an intense oil massage to ensure internal and external moisturization of the body.

Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga)

Ayurvedic body massage emphasizes the abdominal area as well as enhances the overall function of the body. It works on the marma or vital energy points in the body to prevent the gas formation and smooth passage of gas.

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Ayurvedic fomentation (swedana)

Ayurvedic steam bath or swedana helps to balance the Vata dosha and naturally relieves flatulence.

Ayurvedic Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana)

if the person is suffering from a Kapha imbalance as well, then vaman or therapeutic vomiting may also be incorporated in the treatment.

Virechan (therapeutic laxation)

All digestive disorders, including flatulence, can be treated successfully with virechan, or therapeutic laxation. This process helps to remove toxins from the intestines.

Ayurvedic enema (Basti)

In the case of flatulence, Basti (an ayurvedic enema) is the most effective panchakarma procedure. This ayurvedic enema uses medicated oils and decoctions that help to balance Vata dosha and provide lasting relief in flatulence.

Health recommendations (Ahaar-vihar)

We will also provide you with a detailed plan for a healthy diet and lifestyle, according to your Prakriti.

Ayurvedic tips to prevent flatulence

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  • Avoid carbonated drinks, dairy products, and sugar-free or diet foods
  • Slowly consume food and drink in a calm environment.
  • Swallow your food after chewing thoroughly.
  • Close your mouth when eating.
  • Do not consume sugar-free products containing sorbitol.
  • Include more warming herbs in your diets, such as ginger, garlic, and black pepper. These herbs help to prevent Vata vitiation.
  • Cook all Vata vitiating vegetables in ghee/oil with cumin and asafoetida.

Drink more and more water, this will clean the stomach and gas will not be formed.

Exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle.

Practice healthy sleep habits.

Ayurvedic home remedies for Flatulence

  1. Mixing half a teaspoon of asafetida in lukewarm water and drinking it reduces gas formation in the stomach. Asafoetida can relieve gas symptoms instantly. In addition, it also clears the stomach and relieves other digestive problems.
  2. Take a teaspoon of cumin in two cups of water and boil it for down 10-15 minutes. allow it cool and drink after meals.
  3. Add pieces of fresh ginger to a cup of water and boil it well to alleviate stomach gas. Sip it slowly.
  4. Eat a teaspoon of lemon juice and ginger after eating, along with a little black salt, to improve digestion and eliminate gas.
  5. Drink hot water with roasted asafetida and black salt, it will relax you.
  6. Buttermilk mixed with roasted cumin, black salt, and mint and drunk after a meal prevents gas problems.

With this information, we hope to relieve flatulence problems for everyone. Feel free to contact us for a personalized Ayurvedic consultation online if you are suffering from chronic flatulence.