Vata prakriti is dominated by space and air elements. It is described as flowing, cold, brittle, dry, light, and subtle. Those who fall under this category are mentally and physically active, creative, thin, and great thinkers. They are very dynamic and have an outgoing nature. but when there is an imbalance in the air element, they become anxious, experience mood swings, and suffer from insomnia.
Pitta Prakriti is dominated by fire and water elements. It is generally described as light, oily, and hot. The fire element dominance gives them a fiery and tenacious personality. They are highly motivated and possess leadership qualities. A vata imbalance causes an impulsive mood, inflammation, conflict issues, and excessive hunger pangs.
Kapha Prakriti is dominated by earth and water elements. It is described as soft, stable, steady, heavy, and cold. People who possess this type are calm, wise, caring, empathetic, and heavy built. They are known for keeping things at peace and balance.
Kapha imbalance causes sluggishness, slow metabolism rate, fatigue, respiratory issues, and lack of motivation.
Take this simple step towards knowing the age-old Ayurvedic technique to know your Dosha. This will help you make the correct decision for a healthy and happy life. Please follow these particular guidelines to get the most out of this self-assessment:
At the end of the test, you will receive a pdf in your email regarding the analysis of your specific Dosha. You can take the printout of your analysis for your record.